Information on Governance
The Board commissioned an independent Governance Review in 2014. The review recognised that there were significant opportunities for greater engagement with the wider community. As part of this process, the Conservators no longer hold an open part of their Board meetings but have now established a series of measures to engage with the public.
A Stakeholder Group has been formed with representatives of local Amenity Societies, Residents’ Associations, Commons’ User Groups such as dog walkers, golfers, horse-riders, together with representatives of other local open spaces to act as a consultative body.
Our Wildlife & Conservation Forum includes volunteers and local interest groups who help to monitor and enhance the condition of the wildlife habitats across the Commons.
In addition to the Annual Open Meeting there are other General Meetings along with a series of events, walks and talks to enable the local community and visitors to learn about the heritage and current issues affecting these unique parcels of publicly accessible open space.
Combined with our Annual Newsletter, regular electronic Newsletters and seasonal updates are available to provide opportunities for engagement with the Conservators, and the team here at the Commons.
Here you will find copies of the Act that governs the Conservators along with minutes from public meetings and other associated documents.
Information on Governance
Wimbledon and Putney Commons Act 1871
Board Meeting Dates and Attendance
Dates of Conservator Board Meetings and attendance details (from April 2018)
Agendas (since August 2016) (Redacted in order to protect individuals' privacy and confidentiality)
Board Meeting Resolutions
Resolutions 18th September 2018
Resolutions 10th December 2018
Resolutions 11th February 2019
Resolutions 2nd December 2019 (additional)
Resolutions 10th December 2019
Annual Open Meetings
Chairman's Annual Report
Annual Open Meeting Minutes June 2019
Annual Open Meeting Minutes June 2018
Annual Open Meeting Minutes June 2017
Annual Open Meeting Minutes June 2016
Annual Open Meeting Minutes June 2015
Annual Open Meeting Minutes June 2014
Annual Open Meeting Minutes June 2013
Annual Open meeting Minutes June 2012
General Open Meetings
December 2019 - Chairman's Remarks
Audit & Risk
Membership: Shirley Gillbe, Peter Hirsch, Mike Rappolt, Sarah Wilton (co-opted)
Finance & Investment
Membership: David Hince, Diane Neil Mills, Nigel Ware
Constitution Working Group
Membership: Shirley Gillbe, David Hince, Diane Neil Mills, Mike Rappolt, Nigel Ware
Annual Accounts
Year ended March 2017 (restated)
Stakeholder Group
In October 2015, the Wimbledon and Putney Commons Consultation Stakeholder Group was set up. A “Consultation Stakeholder Group” is a body of people who use the Commons, and have a knowledge and interest in the Commons. The Stakeholder Group is an advisory body, providing views, suggestions and advice on matters affecting the management of the Commons. The Group consists of appointed representatives of invited organisations, with no more than one named representative per organisation.
The current membership is as follows:
Adam Curtis - Richmond Park
Carol Andrews - Wimbledon Village Stables
Clive Hilton - Wimbledon Common West Residents’ Association
Wimbledon Common Golf Club
Jane Curtis - Commercial Dog-Walkers
Asif Malik - Wimbledon Windmill Museum
John Mays - Wimbledon Society
Robert Arguile - Putney Society
Peter Anthony - Roehampton Church School
Robin Healey - The Wimbledon Union of Residents` Associations
Tracy Pattison - Putney Lower Common
Jenny Brickman, Wimbledon Common
There are also members of organisations representing the running clubs, local users of each area of the Common, and the Wildlife and Conservation Forum.
Commons Strategy
The Governance Review undertaken in 2014 placed considerable emphasis on the need to develop a Commons Strategy. There are many reasons for having a strategy for a site as complex and special as the Commons, not least providing a framework for consistent, long-term management based on an agreed set of policy priorities.
To develop this longer term strategic plan the Board enlisted the support of the Stakeholder Group and, over the past fifteen months they have worked with the Senior Leadership Team to develop a draft strategy that was presented to the Board in a workshop in March 2017 and subsequently approved by the Board at its April 2017. The Charity owes Clive Hilton, Judith Chegwidden and Claire Seignior our grateful thanks for the time and effort they have put into progressing this document.
Five strategic areas of key responsibilities were identified, each with its own overriding objective. These ranged from Natural & Cultural Heritage to Access & Recreation; Community; Communication & Promotion and Governance of Wimbledon and Putney Commons.
The development of the strategy will enable the Board to look at ways of managing financial and natural resources more efficiently, particularly given the competing demands on the Charity’s limited
Copies of the Commons Strategy can be downloaded here.
Copies of the Wimbledon and Putney Commons Conservators' Business Plan Priorities can be downloaded here
Mill House
Mill House Chronology - September 2018
Retrospective Valuation Reports - Putney Lower Common
Retrospective Valuation Report
Instructions for the Preparation Of the Retrospective Valuation Report
Minutes of the Conservators' meetings
Finance sub-committee minutes