For information on heatstroke in dogs, click here: Heatstroke First Aid



Despite the recent rain and the return to more normal summer temperatures, the risk of fire on the Commons remains, and we are keeping our our own "Extreme Risk of Fire" warning. in place.

We would therefore remind all our visitors to take every precaution to keep themselves and the Commons safe from any risk of fire.

BBQs and FIRES – NOT PERMITTED ON THE COMMONS. We operate a zero-tolerance policy in relation to BBQs or any other naked flame and they will be extinguished by our staff immediately we become aware of them. The Commons are tinder dry and a small spark could very quickly become a serous blaze.

DISPOSE OF CIGARETTES RESPONSIBLY - We would ask that visitors try to avoid smoking on the Commons if at all possible but if you do, please ensure that your cigarette butt is properly extinguished, picked up and taken away with you. Even if you think it's out, residual heat could be enough to start a fire.
TAKE YOUR LITTER HOME WITH YOU - discarded glass in particular is a serious fire hazard in hot weather.
DO NOT LEAVE DOGS IN CARS - We will call the police if we find dogs in distress in locked cars.
DOGS IN PONDS - Although the "dogs out of ponds" requirement is still in place to protect the wildfowl, dogs are permitted to go into the water to drink or cool off. Please keep them on a lead.

These Commons are incredibly important, not only for your exercise and recreation, but also for our wildlife and rare heathland habitat. Your help in being vigilant during this hot weather is critical in helping us to protect them.


If you smell or see smoke or see a small fire starting, immediately call the Ranger's Office on 020 8788 7655 or, if the fire has taken hold, call 999 then call the Ranger's Office. Likewise if you need any help or assistance, our staff are here to help.
Thank you