Can you help restore, conserve and improve the Commons?

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About the project

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Access for All: Improving Priority Paths

Beverley Brook Walk RestoredInner Windmill Restored

Wimbledon and Putney Commons provide 1,140 acres of wild green space for the community to enjoy. Welcoming 3.8 million visitors each year, the Commons team work hard to maintain the diverse landscape and care for it’s special habitats. 

Urgent steps are needed to restore and improve the Common’s paths.

Many of the paths are in a poor condition as they become seasonally muddy resulting in potholes. This impedes accessibility and makes them unsuitable for those with special access needs. Recent increased footfall means that the ground has eroded and adjacent habitats have suffered as people re-route their course to avoid potholes, waterlogging and muddy areas.

We are fundraising to improve and fully restore popular well-trodden paths that are in urgent need of repair and to prevent damage to habitats. The paths will be restored to a high standard with addition of camber and improved drainage. Doing so will not only make the Commons more accessible for visitors but will help protect natural habitats.

In 2023, £75,000 was raised to restore 4 priority paths. This made a huge difference in the following winter months when the Commons became very waterlogged.  We continue to seek grants and donations to improve access on the Commons. 




Have a fundraising idea or would like to find out more?

If you can help and would like to get involved, please contact Maggie May:  Phone: 020 8788 7655

Thank you for supporting Wimbledon and Putney Commons!

Thank you to everyone who has a made a donation towards improving the paths already. We have now nearly £14,000 towards our target! Can you help us reach £24,000 and show major grant funders just how much the community support this project?