Committees and Forums

Committees and Forums 

Audit & Risk

Membership: Sue Bucknall, Michael Johnston, Peter Shortt (Chairman)
Co-opted: Sarah Wilton
Officers: Colin Cooper, Angela Evans-Hill

Terms of Reference 

ARC Annual Report 2022/23

ARC Annual Report 2021/22

ARC Annual Report 2020/21

ARC Annual Report 2019/20

ARC Annual Report 2018/19

Finance & Investment

Membership: Mauro Mattiuzzo, David Brown (Chairman)
Officers: Colin Cooper, Philip Warner

Terms of Reference


Membership: Sue Bucknall, Michael Johnston, Peter Shortt, Mauro Mattiuzzo (Chairman)

Co-opted: George Laurence KC and Francesca Quint
Officers: Colin Cooper, Angela Evans-Hill

Terms of Reference


Membership: Sue Bucknall (Chairman), David Brown and William Liu
Co-opted: Belinda Leathes
Officers: Lynnie Farrant

Terms of Reference

Environment and Sustainability

Membership: Mauro Mattiuzzo, Oliver Bennett, Michael Johnston
Officers: Colin Cooper, Angela Evans-Hill, Peter Haldane, Sarah Murton

Terms of Reference

Wildlife and Conservation Forum - Staff and Volunteers

Stakeholder Forum

In October 2015, the Wimbledon and Putney Commons Consultation Stakeholder Group was set up. A “Consultation Stakeholder Group” is a body of people who use the Commons, and have a knowledge and interest in the Commons. The Stakeholder Group is an advisory body, providing views, suggestions and advice on matters affecting the management of the Commons. The Group consists of appointed representatives of invited organisations, with no more than one named representative per organisation. 

The current membership is as follows:

Carol Andrews - Wimbledon Village Stables
Clive Hilton - The Wimbledon Union of Residents` Associations
Wimbledon Common Golf Club
Jane Curtis - Dog-Walkers
Asif Malik - Wimbledon Windmill Museum
John Mays - Wimbledon Society
Robert Arguile - Putney Society
Peter Anthony - Roehampton Church School
Michael Gallagher - Parkside Residents Association
Andrew Harding - Wildlife & Conservation Forum
Andy Weir - Thames Hare and Hounds