Management Information

This page provides information relating to the operational and administrative management of the Commons. 

Commons Strategy

The Governance Review undertaken in 2014 placed considerable emphasis on the need to develop a Commons Strategy.  There are many reasons for having a strategy for a site as complex and special as the Commons, not least providing a framework for consistent, long-term management based on an agreed set of policy priorities. 

To develop this longer term strategic plan the Board enlisted the support of the Stakeholder Group and, over the past fifteen months they have worked with the Senior Leadership Team to develop a draft strategy that was presented to the Board in a workshop in March 2017 and subsequently approved by the Board at its April 2017. The Charity owes Clive Hilton, Judith Chegwidden and Claire Seignior our grateful thanks for the time and effort they have put into progressing this document. 

Five strategic areas of key responsibilities were identified, each with its own overriding objective. These ranged from Natural & Cultural Heritage to Access & Recreation; Community; Communication & Promotion and Governance of  Wimbledon and Putney Commons.

The development of the strategy will enable the Board to look at ways of managing financial and natural resources more efficiently, particularly given the competing demands on the Charity’s limited finances.

Copies of the Commons Strategy can be downloaded here.

Wimbleon and Putney Commons Strategy
Progress Report on Key Initiatives 2024-2027

In June 2017, the Conservators approved the first ever Wimbledon and Putney Commons Strategy  following a recommendation from the 2014 Governance Review. The Strategy sets out both the broad vision and 62 Key Priorities for managing the Commons over the ten-year period from the 1st April 2018 to the 31st March 2028. It demonstrates the way in which WPCC will play its part in making this area of southwest London a great place to live, work and visit, contributing towards a world class city. 

A copy of the full strategy can be found here.

An update on the progress on the Key Initiatives 2024-2027 can be found here.

Access Framework for Wimbledon and Putney Commons

The Access Framework for Wimbledon and Putney Commons has been approved by the Conservators.  Its purpose is to allow requests for access to Wimbledon and Putney Commons to be considered in a comprehensive, consistent and structured manner that respects the duties, powers and prohibitions that govern the Commons as set out in the relevant legislation.

The three fundamental criteria against which any request for access must be assessed reflect the
principal duties of the Conservators as set out in the 1871 Act:

1. Is the proposed use compatible with the stated purposes of ‘exercise and recreation’

2. In the context of the Commons being established in order to be used for recreational purposes for the public benefit, but subject to the duty to protect and conserve their natural features, vegetation and wildlife, would the proposed use cause unacceptable levels of damage?

3. Would the proposed use cause intereference with other users that could not be readily managed?

The full Access Framework for Wimbledon and Putney Commons can be downloaded here.  

13 May 2020