Rewilding Queensmere

Supported by the Mayor of London, in partnership with London Wildlife Trust


Wimbledon and Putney Commons Conservators has been awarded funding to carry out surveys of Queensmere and the development of landscape designs that aim to improve the pond for wildlife and visitors.

The Commons’ nine ponds are important features and are popular with people and wildlife including birds, amphibians, and dragonflies. Due to their locations within woodland and heathland, they support wildlife beyond their banks and so are a valuable part of London’s nature conservation network.

Queensmere, created to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria in 1897, is by far the deepest pond on the Commons and one of the most visited, located close to the Windmill and car park. A superb stand of yellow water-lilies graces the water in the summer and close by is a sizeable patch of white water-lily.

Yet the pond is far from reaching its full potential for wildlife. It is shrouded on all sides by a variety of mature trees and has very little in the way of marginal vegetation. 


Restoration would improve its ecological value, increase its aesthetic appeal and slow the rate of siltation. Initial ideas include the creation of reedbeds, desilting, an island for waterfowl, reprofiling of the banks, marginal planting and better footpaths. However, there is currently very little information available about the ponds current condition and a comprehensive survey is required before any major management is carried out, especially if heatwaves and flooding are likely to become more common.

We are delighted that this first stage of restoring Queensmere is being supported by the Mayor of London, in partnership with the London Wildlife Trust.

WPCC has been awarded a grant by the Rewild London Fund to work with an expert in habitat management to carry out surveys and to produce landscape designs which will support the Mayor’s plans to make existing green spaces better for wildlife and to ensure that they are effectively managed.

Detailed designs will outline what we can do improve the pond so that it is a more resilient habitat for wildlife, where reedbeds can be planted and how we can make it more accessible and aesthetically appealing for people to enjoy.

The findings and designs will inform our longer term plans to restore the pond and help fundraise for the restoration phase. We look forward to sharing the results and designs with all our visitors.